Friday, June 19, 2009

Just Saying I'm Here

I just love it that everytime I try to stay on the internet, I get thrown something in real life that keeps me off of it for a while. Just ask a few of the pastelforum people. I was gone for 3 days. I posted about 10 times in there just to let them know I'm still alive, but I feel bad for just leaving them.
Also, does anybody read these anymore? I know I don't post every day. I might just start posting everything that goes on in my day just so that I'm on here more. Please tell me if you're reading this.


  1. reading this
    getting most of it
    know what u mean bout just saying everything that happens,
    anyway, 275 hits is way more than i have ever got on any site:P
    keep on posting, when ever you can...
    guess im a bit of a hypocrit after saying that lol:P

  2. I'm still reading, just letting you know.

    I visit the site every now and then.


  3. I am reading this. Actually I lied. I am not reading your blog, but commenting this very instant.
