Thursday, May 14, 2009

About This

I've been doing pretty much nothing with this site. I had originally created it for the purpose of my SciI class, but seeing as how the class didn't ever really use it, it just fell dormant.

I'm now probably going to spend a lot of time on here just typing random meaningless stuff about my life. The real inention is to actually have inspiring Thought of the Day (or week or however it turns out) kind of thing. This is because I was inspired by a kid that I barely know (however, he's pretty cool) from Central. His name is Kyle. Here is the blog that inspired me:

About the very first post on here, if any of you were wondering (any of you as in the 0 that currently checking out this site) is an allusion to a story one of the kids at school made up for extra credit on a quiz. My teacher in another class made the first part of a story, dealing with how you are randomly in a forest with a knife and you hear a rustling from the bush, and the extra credit was to finish it. The kid had made a story about how the rustling behind the bush was me and I was wrestling bears.


  1. You're blogging! Nice blog and good luck expanding it!


  2. Hey. :)
    I hope to read more from your blog.
    I linked you blogger with mine.
    Yes, I have a blogger.

  3. Hi,

    I linked my blog to yours, just letting u know.

    And I have a blogger account, so I'll follow the blog.
