Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Meaning of Life

Today, I had a fairly easy going day, but then I went to this two hour long meeting. The meeting was about the Marine Biology class that I'm going to apply for and it seems pretty stunning. A picture that the teacher took of it, is right here and you can see just how beautiful it is.
I am not usually one to talk about God and life, because I'm easy going, laid back, and I'm definitely not a hardcore christian in the slightest. Life has never mattered to me. This isn't to say I don't care about other people who are allive and I don't care about their lives, but the meaning of life and the fact that we're here doesn't. Humans on Earth just so happens to be a thing that is reality. If anything, you would know me to be a strong believer in evolution. At this meeting, there were a ton of things that just blew me away. Not that the teacher was doing things to make us think about life and God, but rather I just got into that thinking mode.
There were just so many pictures of the trip that they go on towards the end of the year. Just seeing the beauty of each individual creature-- fish, octopus, snails, slugs --was just stunning. There had to be something that at least have been touched by a god, if not THE God. This isn't to say anything about me changing my point of view. In fact, my view point has remained unchanged, except the idea that God exists is now more firmly in my mind.
Then I got around to thinking about the meaning of life; what about life is so special? What makes people happy? Why does it? This really happened to me when one picture came up on his slideshow. It was of two kids in front of a shabby-ish, but sturdy, building and they had just had such bright and smiling faces. These two little kids had nothing that we have and, yet, they were so happy.
I believe that everyone, at least in the extremely populated areas of the world, happens to be forgetting the true way to live and what it means to be happy, myself included. Our world is slowly being taken over by technology. This isn't a bad thing. I know some of the people that will read this are people I never met, but talk to over the internet on a forum site. They are some really nice people that without technology, I would of never known. In fact, what I want to become is a computer engineer; there is almost nothing that is more technology based than that. However, our technology is consuming our lives. I spend most of my time on a computer, an iPod, on a phone texting, or anything else electronic. I love doing it, but have we lost what it means to be happy? True happiness doesn't depend on things. Those two children proved that. Happiness is really based off of being around other people.
I am no exception to the idea that our world is becoming less and less friendly. I have people I dislike and people I just plain hate, but our world needs more loving than hating and at least I can say out of all of the things I've said here, that this is one that I actually do. I may have some people I dislike and hate, but I have so many more that I am great friends with and would help out with their problems no matter what and I have a girlfriend that I love so much. Why can't most of the world just learn to deal with most of their problems, instead of causing more, and just get along and be happy?

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