Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kinda Depressed, Kinda Happy

Some of you may know (people who are from the forum and read that post) that I recently had a family member seriously hurt in the war and that's the sad.
I'm just happy because the rest of my life has been pretty amazing and all and has been very quiet and serene the past few days.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Just Saying I'm Here

I just love it that everytime I try to stay on the internet, I get thrown something in real life that keeps me off of it for a while. Just ask a few of the pastelforum people. I was gone for 3 days. I posted about 10 times in there just to let them know I'm still alive, but I feel bad for just leaving them.
Also, does anybody read these anymore? I know I don't post every day. I might just start posting everything that goes on in my day just so that I'm on here more. Please tell me if you're reading this.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I Haven't Used This In A While

I was just coming on here to basically say that I've been busy lately. This is a thing that happens to me. Even though it is summer and I have weightlifting mon-thurs and a job on mon, wed, and thurs nights, I have nothing else actually that I have to do.
It just seems that I happen to start losing track of time and then I don't get onto the sites that I usually get on, specifically Pastel Forum, which I need to get on and stay on forever. Then because I've missed so much that I don't want to come back.
This isn't so much as a "life lesson" or a "meaning of life" though provoking statement. This is just something I've noticed about myself and am sure that most people have done before too.